

姓     名:袁泉

籍      贯:江西吉安 

教育背景:2006.9-2011.6  本科  城市规划专业、经济学专业  北京大学

                 2011.9-2013.6  硕士  城市与区域规划专业   美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校

                 2013.8-2018.8  博士  城市规划与发展专业   美国南加州大学

职       称: 研究员





    2020.09 – 至今          特聘研究员          同济大学交通运输工程学院

    2019.09 – 2020.09    副研究员          同济大学交通运输工程学院

    2018.09 – 2019.09    博士后研究员/客座讲师    美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校

    2016.05 - 2016.06    访问研究员       瑞典哥德堡大学
















    北京大学本科生研究校长基金, 2008-2009




  1. Deng, J., Gao, L., Chen, X., & Yuan, Q.* (2023). Taking the same route every day? An empirical investigation of commuting route stability using personal electric vehicle trajectory data. Transportation, 1-27.

  2. Lei, J., Yang, C., Fu, Q., Chao, Y., Dai, J., & Yuan, Q.* (2023). An approach of localizing MOVES to estimate emission factors of trucks. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.

  3. Rai, H. B., Kang, S., Sakai, T., Tejada, C., Yuan, Q., Conway, A., & Dablanc, L. (2022). ‘Proximity logistics’: Characterizing the development of logistics facilities in dense, mixed-use urban areas around the world. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 166, 41-61.

  4. Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Q.*, Yang, C., Guo, T., & Wang, Y. (2022). The Smartphone-Based Person Travel Survey System: Data Collection, Trip Extraction, and Travel Mode Detection. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(12), 23399-23407.

  5. Zhou, J., Leng, L., Yuan, Q., & Shi, X. (2022). Does Air Cargo Matter in Chinese Regional Economic Development? An Empirical Granger Causality Test. Sustainability, 14(15), 9753.

  6. Zhou, Y., Yuan, Q.*, Ding, F., Chen, M., Yang, C., & Guo, T. (2022). Demand, mobility, and constraints: Exploring travel behaviors and mode choices of older adults using a facility-based framework. Journal of transport geography, 102, 103368.

  7. 杨超,陈明垟,袁泉*,王燚.上海市新城通勤人群出行特征分析[J].城市交通,2022,20(02):99-110.

  8. Yang, Z., Chen, X., Pan, R., & Yuan, Q.* (2022). Exploring location factors of logistics facilities from a spatiotemporal perspective: A case study from Shanghai. Journal of Transport Geography, 100, 103318.

  9. Chen, X., Li, T., & Yuan, Q.* (2021). Impacts of built environment on travel behaviors of Generation Z: a longitudinal perspective. Transportation, 1-30.

  10. Yuan, Q., & Wang, J. (2021). Goods movement, road safety, and spatial inequity: Evaluating freight-related crashes in low-income or minority neighborhoods. Journal of Transport Geography, 96, 103186.

  11. 袁泉,涂义欢,李国旗*.物流网络快速应对疫情的策略与体系设计[J].城市交通,2021,19(02):46-54.

  12. Chen, X., Guo, Y., Yang, C., Ding, F., & Yuan, Q.* (2021). Exploring essential travel during COVID-19 quarantine: Evidence from China. Transport Policy, 111, 90-97.

  13. Li, G., Sun, W., Yuan, Q.* , and Liu, S. “Planning Versus the Market: Logistics Establishments and Logistics Parks in Chongqing, China”, Journal of Transport Geography, 82

  14. Yang, C., Chen, M., & Yuan, Q.* (2021). The application of XGBoost and SHAP to examining the factors in freight truck-related crashes: An exploratory analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 158, 106153.

  15. Zhou, Y., Yuan, Q., Yang, C., & Wang, Y. (2021). Who you are determines how you travel: Clustering human activity patterns with a Markov-chain-based mixture model. Travel Behaviour and Society, 24, 102-112.

  16. Yang, C., Chen, M., & Yuan, Q.* (2021). The geography of freight-related accidents in the era of E-commerce: evidence from the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Journal of transport geography, 92, 102989.

  17. Xiao, Z., Yuan, Q.*, Sun, Y., & Sun, X. (2021). New paradigm of logistics space reorganization: E-commerce, land use, and supply chain management. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 9, 100300.

  18. McDonald, N., & Yuan, Q.* (2021). Freight Loading Space Provision: Evidence from the US. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(2), 04021015.

  19. Yuan, Q.  “Planning Matters: Institutional Perspectives on Warehousing Development and Mitigating Its Negative Impacts”. Journal of the American Planning Association, 85(4), 525-543.

  20. McDonald, N. and Yuan, Q., and Naumann, B. 2019. “Urban freight and road safety in the era of e-commerce”, Traffic Injury Prevention, 1, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/15389588.2019.1651930

  21. Giuliano, G.*, Kang, S., Yuan, Q., 2019. “Agglomeration Economies and Evolving Urban Form”, Annals of Regional Science, in print

  22. Yuan, Q., 2019. “Does context matter in environmental justice patterns? Evidence on warehousing location from four metro areas in California”, Land Use Policy, 82, 328-338.

  23. Yuan, Q. and Zhu, J., 2019. “Logistics sprawl in Chinese metropolises: Evidence from Wuhan”, Journal of Transport Geography, 74, 242-252

  24. Yuan, Q., 2018. “Mega Freight Generators in My Backyard: A Longitudinal Study of Environmental Justice in Warehousing Location”, Land Use Policy, 76, 130-143

  25. Yuan, Q., 2018. “Location of Warehouses and Environmental Justice”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0739456X18786392

  26. Yuan, Q., 2018. “Environmental Justice in Warehousing Location: State of the Art”, Journal of Planning Literature, 33(3), 287-298

  27. Giuliano, G., Kang, S. and Yuan, Q., 2018. “Using proxies to describe the metropolitan freight landscape”, Urban Studies, 55(6), 1346-1363

  28. Wang, R., and Yuan, Q., 2017. “Are Denser Cities Greener? Evidence from China, 2000-2010”, Natural Resources Forum, 41(3), 179-189

  29. Shoup, D., Yuan, Q. and Jiang, X., 2017. “Charging for Parking to Finance Public Services”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 37(2), 136-149

  30. Wang, R., and Yuan, Q., 2013. “Parking Practices and Policies under Rapid Motorization: The Case of China”, Transport Policy, 30, 109-116



  1.     上海市生态环境局,“基于实时交通流的货运机动车排放模型”,主持

  2.     上海市松江区规划与自然资源局,“松江枢纽物流港专项研究”,共同主持

  3.     上海市嘉定区交通委员会,“嘉定新城综合交通规划”,参与

  4.     中国城市规划设计研究院,“莆田市城市物流体系专题研究”,主持

  5.     上海市科学委员会,“城市物流设施空间演化规律及成因探究”,主持

  6.     北京大学-林肯研究院,“城市物流设施空间布局与环境公平”,主持

  7.     美国国家道路安全合作研究中心,“Urban Freight and Road Safety”,参与

  8.     北京大学-林肯研究院,“城市物流设施空间布局与环境公平”,主持

  9.     Volvo教育与研究基金会,“Understanding Freight Flows in Cities”,主持

  10.     美国加州交通部,“Managing the Impacts of Freight in CA”,核心参与

  11.     美国洛杉矶县都市交通署,“Maintenance and Development of ADMS”,核心参与

  12.     Volvo教育与研究基金会,“Location of warehouses and environmental justice”,主持

  13.     美国国家可持续交通研究中心,“Spatial dynamics of the logistics industry ”,核心参与

  14.     美国交通部高校交通研究中心,“Using Secondary Data Sources to Describe Metropolitan Freight”,核心参与



  1. 期刊同行评议: Transportation Research Part D, Transportation Research Part E,  Journal of American Planning Association, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Urban Studies, Urban Transport of China, Transportation Research Part A, Sustainability, The Annals of Regional Science, Environmental and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City, Travel Behavior and Society

  2. 会议同行评议: World Conference of Transport Research, COTA International Conference for Transportation Professionals, World Transport Convention, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting

  3. 学术机构会员:美国规划院校联合会(ACSP)、美西区域科学学会(WRSA)、美国运输研究委员会(TRB)、中国规划国际学会年会(IACP)、世界交通运输大会(WTC)